Export project

The simplest way to create an export containing changes in USR layer is :
1. Create an empty project and open it
2. Click "filter" button
3. Click "Choose"
4. Type "USR" in the row with "utilLevel"
5. OK, OK
6. Project containing objects changed in USR level will be created for
you, now you can export it

However if you'd like to automate this process - the better way is to
use UtilIdElements pseudo-table instead of drilling down the AOT tree
using TreeNode objects. Look at the xUtilIdElements class to get the
idea of how they work (actually TreeNodes work on top of UtilIdElements).

Wojciech Lewicki

Hi guys,

could anyone help optimize this code? I'm new in X++, so don't expect
much from this...
What this does it exports all objects in the "usr" layer to files in
the C:\TEMP dir. The main idea is to collect this from different
servers and check for diferences, so I know what needs to be updated
at each server.


static void Job1(Args _args)
ProjectNode MainProjectNode;
ProjectNode ProjectNode;
ProjectNode SubProjectNode;
ProjectNode MainFather;
ProjectNode Father;
ProjectNode SubFather;
ProjectNode MainChild;
ProjectNode Child;
ProjectNode SubChild;
TreeNode usrLayer;
TreeNodeIterator MainIterator;
TreeNodeIterator Iterator;
TreeNodeIterator SubIterator;
str ObjectProperties;
str ObjectType;

MainProjectNode = infolog.rootNode();
MainFather = MainProjectNode;

MainProjectNode = MainProjectNode.AOTfirstChild();

MainIterator = MainFather.AOTiterator();

MainChild = MainIterator.next();
if(MainChild.AOTchildNodeCount() 0)
Father = MainChild;
Iterator = Father.AOTiterator();
Child = Iterator.next();
if(Child.AOTchildNodeCount() 0)
ObjectProperties = Child.AOTgetProperties();
if(ObjectProperties != "")
usrLayer = Child.getNodeInLayer( UtilEntryLevel::usr);
ObjectType = usrLayer.AOTtypeStr();
usrLayer.treeNodeExport('C:\\temp\\' + Mainchild.AOTname() +
'-' + child.AOTname() + '_' + ObjectType + '.xpo',1); // Subbu, pls
appened the content
SubFather = Child;
SubIterator = SubFather.AOTiterator();
SubChild = SubIterator.next();
if(SubChild.AOTchildNodeCount() 0)
ObjectProperties = SubChild.AOTgetProperties();
if(ObjectProperties != "")
usrLayer = SubChild.getNodeInLayer( UtilEntryLevel::usr);
ObjectType = usrLayer.AOTtypeStr();
usrLayer.treeNodeExport('C:\\temp\\' + Mainchild.AOTname() +
'-' + child.AOTname() + '-' + SubChild.AOTname() + '_' + ObjectType +
'.xpo',1); // Subbu, pls appened the content
usrLayer = Child.getNodeInLayer( UtilEntryLevel::usr);
ObjectType = usrLayer.AOTtypeStr();
usrLayer.treeNodeExport('C:\\temp\\' + Mainchild.AOTname() +
'-' + child.AOTname() + '-' + SubChild.AOTname() + '_' + ObjectType +
'.xpo',1); // Subbu, pls appened the content
SubChild = SubIterator.next();
usrLayer = Child.getNodeInLayer( UtilEntryLevel::usr);
ObjectType = usrLayer.AOTtypeStr();
usrLayer.treeNodeExport('C:\\temp\\' + Mainchild.AOTname() + '-'
+ child.AOTname() + '_' + ObjectType + '.xpo',1); // Subbu, pls
appened the content
Child = Iterator.next();
usrLayer = MainChild.getNodeInLayer( UtilEntryLevel::usr);
ObjectType = usrLayer.AOTtypeStr();
usrLayer.treeNodeExport('C:\\temp\\' + child.treeNodePath() + '-'
+ child.AOTname() + '_' + ObjectType + '.xpo',1); // Subbu, pls
appened the content
MainChild = MainIterator.next();


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